Original Super Nintendo (SNES) Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) Breath of Fire *** NEW CODES *** 0C34-4446 Random battles inside around every 39 steps (normally around 29 steps). 0C34-4446 + DDE6-CFA5 + DDE6-C4D5 Random battles inside around every 61 steps (normally around 29 steps). 6D6D-1D92 Never lose your bait when fishing. 6D3C-4436 Go fishing anywhere. Old codes... DD22-14AD Can open treasure chests as many times as you want. DD69-370A + DDB4-34AA + DDC3-4D02 All weapons target all enemies (will briefly show boomerang while it's hitting all enemies). DDB3-372E + DD8F-4DBA Walk faster. DD63-C4FA Save your game anywhere (press Start on controller 2). 6D34-45F7 Enter battle at any time (press X on controller 2). DD31-1927 Exit or change battle at any time (press X on controller 2 to exit battle, press A on controller 2 to change to a different battle). DD6D-C468 Shows your coordinates and area number (press Select on controller 2 to show area number). 6D2B-C718 No random battles outside. DD2E-C718 No random battles inside. 7126-CD48 Fewer random battles (outside). 71E1-1B93 Can get the DrWarp Debug item in the Drogen item store in place of the Herb (for free). DrWarp lets you warp to any area in the game when used. F3B8-1D3A Cold spell causes 150 damage against all enemies (instead of 30 damage to 1 enemy).