Original Sega Genesis/MD Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t_hedstrom@yahoo.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/codehut/ http://codehut.gshi.org/ (no ads on this site) To save time and space, I've put lots of codes I made for several different games into one file. Here's a list of Genesis/MD games included in this file... -Bare Knuckle -Bare Knuckle 3 (J) -Championship Pro-Am -F-117 Night Storm -Fire Shark -Gaiares -Jennifer Capriati Tennis -Lotus II RECS -Sampras Tennis 96 (E) -Streets of Rage (See: Bare Knuckle) -Streets of Rage 3 -Toe Jam & Earl -Toe Jam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron =================================================== -Bare Knuckle / Streets of Rage NOTE: There are 2 versions of this game. These codes may not work on version Rev A. AJ4A-AAER Enemies that hit you 3 times in a row will hit ultra fast (makes the game harder) EA4A-AAER Enemies that hit you 3 times in a row will only hit once and won't knock you down (makes the game easier) GLRA-AGAE Enemy stun time is longer after you hit them (makes the game easier) P4RA-BNAE Enemy stun time is much longer after you hit them (makes the game easier) AEMT-BA7C Start with 1 continue A2MT-BA7C Start with 6 continues =================================================== -Bare Knuckle 3 (J) CABT-AA5Y Master code (improved). Gets rid of the blank/red screen, and makes the game load much faster. May not be needed on real hardware. RE8A-C6XN Victy (Roo) is available in the character selection screen. =================================================== -Championship Pro-Am EKKA-AA6C *** NEW CODE *** Don't spin out when you hit oil slicks. RE3A-A6VA *** NEW CODE *** The CPU cars don't move (you'll always win 1st place). AA4T-AF2W Races are in slow motion. This makes it easy to get all the power-ups, letters, weapons, etc. This code can be turned ON or OFF at anytime during the race. TKKA-AACW Hitting water doesn't slow you down. Do not use with FFKA-BDC4 code below. FFKA-BDC4 Hitting water speeds you up a little instead of slowing you down. Do not use with TKKA-AACW code above. AT1A-AA5N Infinite weapons. ATST-AA36 Infinite continues (doesn't work on level 1). This code is very useful because you get to keep all your power-ups, letters, and weapons when you continue. HEEA-BEZE Start on level 2. HEEA-BTZE Start on level 5. HEEA-BAZE Start on level 9. SEEA-BTYW Start with sticky tires maxed out. SEEA-BTYN Start with turbo acceleration maxed out. SEEA-BTY2 Start with top speed maxed out. HEEA-BT0J Start with 4 letters. HEEA-B60J Start with 7 letters. ==================================================== -F-117 Night Storm RGYV-26TE Master code. Use this code if you get a blank screen. AL1A-EA4R Infinite weapons (bombs, missiles, etc). With this code on, you may have to manually exit after you accomplish each mission. Just press start, then "Return to base". AP0A-CAEE Skip training and start on level 1 (Campaign mode only). AZ0A-CAEE Start on level 3 (Campaign mode only). BK0A-CAEE Start on level 8 (Campaign mode only). B30A-CAEE Start on level 12 (Campaign mode only). CP0A-CAEE Start on level 17 (Campaign mode only). DB0A-CAEE Start on level 22 (Campaign mode only). DZ0A-CAEE Start on level 27 (Campaign mode only). ==================================================== -Fire Shark RFGA-A610 Enables "Berserk" mode. Makes the game harder. RFGA-A610 + GBGA-AAH4 Super Berserk mode. Makes the game much harder. RFGA-A610 + JBGA-AAH4 Ultra Berserk mode. Makes the game ultra hard. ABXA-AA7Y 1 hit kills weaker enemies. RFZA-A6YW 1 hit kills stronger enemies. BEHT-AAHC Start with 9 lives. NOTE: The offocial Galoob Game Genie code for starting lives is 2 codes long (mine only takes 1 code). C3MT-AAE2 Start with max speed. Does not work after you lose a life. C3MT-AAC2 Have max speed after you lose a life. DVMT-AAE2 Start with super max speed (faster than what the game normally allows). Does not work after you lose a life. DVMT-AAC2 Have super max speed after you lose a life (faster than what the game normally allows). E3MT-AAE2 Start with ultra max speed (much faster than what the game normally allows). Does not work after you lose a life. E3MT-AAC2 Have ultra max speed after you lose a life (much faster than what the game normally allows). APMT-AAEA Start with max power. Doesn't work after you lose a life. APMT-AACA Have max power after you lose a life. ==================================================== -Gaiares JBMT-AEV6 1 hit kills all enemies and bosses. The mission 1 mini-boss will die on the first hit once all his parts have joined together. RECT-A61E Level select cheat is activated. Just start the game and you're automatically taken to the level select screen. REDT-A6YE Weapon select/weapon power-up cheat activated. For weapon select: pause the game, hold Up and press A, then unpause the game to get the next weapon. Repeat to get desired weapon. To power-up your weapon: pause the game, hold Up and press C to cycle through power levels, then unpause. GB6A-AA3A + RF6A-A6T4 Always get the T-Vulcan the first time you capture a weapon with your TOZ. You can only get the T-Vulcan once per mission. To save code space, use the 1st code by itself (GB6A-AA3A) and you'll usually get the T-Vulcan the 2nd time you capture a weapon with your TOZ. This code enables the 128 TOZ capture cheat. PAR Codes for Gaiares... FFF55F:80 Number of captured enemy weapons with TOZ (T-Vulcan Cheat). With this code on, the next weapon you capture from an enemy with your TOZ will be the T-Vulcan (a secret hidden weapon). Note that this PAR code was made with Gens, so it may not work with Kega Fusion. ==================================================== -Jennifer Capriati Tennis ATCA-AA2T Master code. Use this code if you get a blank screen. RF2T-A6YA You will always win the match when playing against the computer. If the computer player scores, the points go to you. New secret passwords. As far as I know, these are previously undocumented passwords. Enter these at the password screen. LEVEL.CHECK followed by 34 periods. Gives you 24 players to choose from and shows their level instead of their name. ENDING.CHECK followed by 33 periods. Shows the game ending. DEBUG.MODE followed by 20 periods, then PAMPOPN, then 8 more periods. The game accepts the password, but I haven't been able to figure out what it does yet. I'm including it in case someone else can figure out what it does. UPDATE: Good news... Mezmorize figured how to active the Debug Mode. To bring up the debug menu, pause the match, hold down the "B" button and unpause the game. =================================================== -Lotus II RECS RH9T-860T Master code. Use this code if you get a blank screen. AJDT-CAGL Your car will automatically drive at top speed. This makes it very easy to win all the races. The following codes are for the hidden "POD" game. To get to the hidden game, enter POD PLEASE as your name (not password). To exit POD game, press START to pause it, then press A+B+C together. BHSA-CADY Start with 9 lives in hidden "POD" game. AMRT-CA22 Infinite lives in hidden "POD" game. =================================================== -Sampras Tennis 96 (E) AEKT-AAC0 Robot (fastest player in the game) is available in the character select menu. If you're using an emulator, you'll need to reset the game after you turn the code on. =================================================== -Streets of Rage 3 ATBT-AA6A Master code (emulators only?). Use this code if you get a blank red screen. *** NEW CODES *** HAGT-BE10 + EYGT-BM92 Activates complete level select cheat in Option menu. Old Codes... RE5T-C6XY Roo (Victy) is available in the character selection screen. XGDT-JADY Start with more time on level 6, RHMT-G6Y0 Infinite time on level 6. AVFT-EA48 Don't lose your weapon when you're hit or shot. =================================================== -Toe Jam & Earl There are 2 versions of this game. These codes are for the "World/REV00" version, and may not work on the "World Rev A" version. A5VA-AA5W Walk anywhere (allows you to walk on water or air). If you stop walking while over water, you'll fall in and have to swim. RGWT-A6TC All items in your inventory will show what the item is, instead of question marks. RGXA-A6ZT All items in the mail order shop will show what the item is, instead of question marks. EKKT-CA8G Collect presents from anywhere. You may not see the gifts when you collect them because they are slightly off screen, but you will hear the little beep and they will be in your inventory. E5RT-AA3W Invincibility (enemies walk right thru you). Haven't tested on all enemies. AEVT-DA7L Wake up on the first try (after you fall asleep from standing still too long or after reading a school book). TTXA-CGAE Can stand still 3x longer before you fall asleep. ALRA-AA5R Don't get charged for mail orders (still have to have enough to cover the price). FLRA-AA4G Don't get charged for mail orders (works even if you don't have enough money). =================================================== -Toe Jam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron *** NEW CODES *** BK0T-GA6L Can exit level even if you don't have any earthlings. REHA-E61N Collect presents from anywhere above you. C4GT-GA2R Hit earthlings from almost anywhere in front of you (jars act like a homing missile). RE2A-E6TL Always capture boy earthlings the first time you hit them with a jar (may also work on other earthlings). RE5T-E6WW Always capture girl earthlings the first time you hit them with a jar (may also work on other earthlings). REZT-E6V6 Boy Earthlings don't attack you and are very easy to catch (not sure if it works on other earthlings). Old Codes... A2GA-GAGE High jump. AJGA-GAGE Super high jump. AVXT-AA5A Walk across any opening without falling ("Walk on air"). Also works up on platforms. Press Jump to drop down.